+7(3812) 53-43-39



Compact power in confined areas
Toyota electric towing tractors are ideal for horizontal transport. With tough pneumatic or super-elastic tyres they are at home both indoors and between workplaces. Stand-up and sit-down versions are available, depending on the distances to be covered, the intensity of trips and the application itself.
Dual pneumatic tyres on the front axle increase stability and reduce steering force, taking much of the strain off the driver. Reduced driver fatigue means a safer, more productive shift – time after time.
With top speeds ranging from 9 km/h to 18 km/h, Toyota electric towing tractors are more than equipped for ergonomic horizontal travel over long distances.
Toyota towing tractors provide excellent all-round visibility for the operator. Plus, since they can transport more than one load carrier at a time, they can reduce the overall amount of traffic in the workplace.


разработка и сопровождение сайта
г.Омск, ул. 20 лет РККА, дом 4
+7(3812) 53-43-39